Colorado Wedding Ministers

We Do I Do For YOU!

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Below you will find a few samples of the ceremonies that we create for you. Let us know what calls to you, so we can create that amazing ceremony that you, your new husband or wife and your guests will remember for years to come.

An Elopement at Evans Chapel

Marriage is the union of husband and wife in heart, body and mind. It is intended for their mutual joy – and for the help and comfort given on another in prosperity and adversity. But more importantly – it is a means through which a stable and loving environment may be attained.

Through marriage, T. W. and J. W. make a commitment together to face their disappointments – embrace their dreams – realize their hopes – and accept each other’s failures. T. and J. will promise one another to aspire to these ideals throughout their lives together – through mutual understanding – openness – and sensitivity to each other.

We are here today – before God – because marriage is one of His most sacred wishes – to witness the joining in marriage of T. and J. This occasion marks the celebration of love and commitment with which this man and this woman begin their life together. And now – through me – He joins you together in one of the holiest bonds.

This is a beginning and a continuation of their growth as individuals. With mutual care, respect, responsibility and knowledge comes the affirmation of each one’s own life happiness, growth and freedom. With respect for individual boundaries comes the freedom to love unconditionally. Within the emotional safety of a loving relationship – the knowledge self-offered one another becomes the fertile soil for continued growth. With care and responsibility towards self and one another comes the potential for full and happy lives.

By gathering together all the wishes of happiness and our fondest hopes for T. and J. from all present here, we assure them that our hearts are in tune with theirs. These moments are so meaningful to all of us, for “what greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined together – to strengthen each other in all labor – to minister to each other in all sorrow – to share with each other in all gladness.

This relationship stands for love, loyalty, honesty and trust, but most of all for friendship. Before they knew love, they were friends, and it was from this seed of friendship that is their destiny. Do not think that you can direct the course of love – for love, if it finds you worthy, shall direct you


Ladies at the Flemming Mansion

are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of L. W. and J. H.  Today is a celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two people who are in it together forever.  We are not here to mark the start of a relationship.  We are here to recognize a bond that already exists.  L.. and J. have been together almost nine years, so we have come together to bear witness to the bond that has grown between them.  Today, they will affirm this bond formally and publicly and they would like to share this affirmation of love with their friends and family.  L. and J. hope that they can mark their union not only by celebrating the love between themselves, but by also celebrating the love between all here today.  Up to this point their love has been nurtured privately.  In many ways, that deepest connection is private and between them alone, but today, the promise of that bond is made public.

So when L. and J. thought of gathering people together, they wanted to see not only the faces of the individuals they have loved over the course of their lives, they wanted to put you together, shoulder to shoulder to form a whole – a single solid entity – a group that will witness the declaration of their union.  They believe that the strength of this group will reinforce and protect their private union.  And in return, they have a promise for you.  They promise to do their part to nurture long standing relationships and forge new connections between those gathered here.

L.. and J. for almost nine years, you have built a strong foundation for your relationship based on honesty and respect.  You have found joy in one another’s company, and you have become better, more fulfilled people because of your connection.  You have been able to stay together through the varied challenges of life because of your shared values, humor, history, and unconditional love for one another.  As long as you maintain these qualities, you will have a long and successful marriage.